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The Burleson Boys and their luck!

9/22/2006 Category :General 2

We took Brenden to his first Ranger’s game the other night. Great seats, 13 rows behind home plate. The start of the luck would be that Patrick was given these seats which are so nice and the tickets include parking. We’d had them once before, but had to pay for them. Patrick had been talking at the start of the game about how balls do sometimes come in that area and that we needed to watch out for Brenden if that happened. Well, we’ve both been to baseball games over the years and no balls have ever come near us so we weren’t too worried. But then one did. It bounced off the bottom of the next level and came back down a row in front of us. Patrick had Brenden in one hand. People in front of us were scrambling for the ball. Patrick is just sitting there trying to protect Brenden and the ball comes straight to his other hand and he catches it. So that is the Burleson luck. Patrick has the best luck for winning things or getting things free of anyone I know, and it looks like Brenden has inherited that luck. Now they just need to team up and buy the winning lotto ticket or a win a trip somewhere great!

I got a new toy!

9/22/2006 Category :General 0

I got a new iMac! It’s so pretty and it hardly takes up any space! We went and got it on the Saturday of Labor day weekend. Patrick spent all weekend setting it up and basically hogging it from me. I finally got to use it when he went back to work on Tuesday. But then on Wed. he called to tell me that Apple had just released a new version. So it went back to the store and we repeated the whole process, but I’m set up now and loving it!

Brenden Watch…

9/22/2006 Category :General 0

He may not be as famous as baby Suri, but he’s just as cute! To catch up…..
Brenden went to his Scottish Rite appointment on Aug. 17 and it went well. Basically they don’t recommend any kind of prosthetic because they found kids weren’t wearing them and that it actually limits them because they lose the ability to feel things out. So that was reassurring because we’d sort of decide we wanted to wait until he could make that choice for himself, but didn’t want to be holding him back. The only thing we have to decide now is if we want to have his little thumb removed so it doesn’t get caught on stuff. We are still thinking that over.

At his 4 month doctor’s visit he weighed in at 16.5 lbs and 25.5 inches. He’s already in 6-9 months clothes because he is so long (it’s all in the torso). At the time we went to the doctor he had rolled from his stomach to his back twice, but it had been about a month between the two times. The doctor thought it might have been an accident, but I explained he’d been working very hard at it. And for the next few days it was like Brenden had been challenged. He went to work getting that move down and then immediately added going from his back to his stomach into the mix and has been a rolling fool ever since. Most babies don’t roll from the back to the stomach until 5 or 6 months.

And now he is teething. He started about 2 weeks ago. Last week was especially difficult because his tooth that is coming in was hurting him and so was his tummy. He pretty much cried every time he was put down. A little stressful, but we got through it and now he is back to his happy go lucky self. Most babies don’t get their first tooth until 7 months, though it can happen as soon as 3 months.

Shocking that Patrick and I would have a determined over achieving baby, huh?
Now it is 8 days until he is 5 months old. Unbelievable how fast time goes.


He got this new toy about 2 weeks ago and had it figured out in seconds. The seat spins around and he just somehow knew to do that!


This is a cute trick he started recently. Anything with a little hole in it, he tries to put on his little hand. I thought it was an accident at first, but no, he does it on purpose!

Brenden is 3 months old!

8/5/2006 Category :General 2

Last Sunday, July 30, Brenden turned 3 months old. Tomorrow he’ll be 14 weeks old. Time is going so fast. He is laughing outloud, talking, and smiling.

He rolled over for the first time this past week and is trying really hard to sit up. Even when he is semi-sitting, he wants to sit up all the way. He keeps trying to sit up in the swing and the car seat.

He’s doing great. On August 17th he will go to the Scottish Rite hospital where he will meet with his hand team. They will tell us what the options are for dealing with his hand and we’ll decide what to do from there. More than likely he’ll be going to some sort of physical therapy around 6 months that willl help him keep up with the skill milestones he should be reaching. It’s exciting that we will be getting more information from the experts.

I was trying to get pictures of him laughing because it’s so darn cute when he does it, but below is as close as I’ve goten.

My Summer

8/5/2006 Category :General 0

I started summer school on July 10th and life has been crazy since then. I have been heading to Denton Mon-Thurs for 2 hours of Spanish while my Mom (and sometimes Dad) watch Brenden for me. I’ve also been taking an online class, nonfiction. During this time Patrick has been going to class on Monday and Wednesday evenings until 10:00 p.m.

Spanish has been fairly easy. I had four years of it in high school so most of it is coming back. My teacher is absolutely nuts, but she’s just trying to keep our attention. She brings crazy outfits and slips them on over her clothes mid-lesson. They often involve wigs, hats, and mustaches. She uses a hot pink fly swatter to point to the board. Our first class was set entirely to the tune of Deep in the Heart of Texas. She has so many different voices and will switch them on a whim. It’s nuts, and I usually have a headache when I leave, but I ‘ll never forget the class that’s for sure.

This nonfiction class has been quite the challenge though! I have had 8 books to read, with 500 word papers due on each. And then for my final project I had to pick 5 books I’d like to read in the future, research them and write an annotated bibiliography on them. All my written work was due August 3rd. And on the 4th, I went in and presented my annotated bibliography to the class. And you know how fond I am of standing in front of the class!

There were four core books assigned to us for this class and the one I enjoyed most was Ghost Soldiers by Hampton Sides. It’s about POWs from the Bataan Death March during WWII. It was amazing.

We also got to pick four books to read and for one of those I chose to reread Tuesay’s with Morrie. I forgot how much I enjoyed this book the first time. Without being preachy, Morrie reminds me of what should be important in life. I’ve always defined success as being happy and having at least one person that can say their life is better for having known you. And Morrie can say that. I think everyone needs someone like that in their life. The following are a few of my favorite quotes for the book.

“The most important thing in life is to learn how to give out love, and to let it come in.”

“So many people walk around with a meaningless life. They seem half-asleep, even when they’re busy doing things they think are important. This is because they are chasing the wrong things. The way you get meaning in your life is to devote yourself to loving others, devote yourself to your community around you, and devote yourself to creating something that gives you purpose and meaning.”

“Wash yourself with emotion. It won’t hurt you. It will only help. If you let fear inside, if you pull it on like a familiar shirt, then you can say to yourself, ‘All right, it’s just fear, I don’t have to let it control me. I see it for what it is.'”

It’s been really stressful to try to get all that reading and writing done and there were times that I didn’t think I was going to get it all done. So to have finished it all yesterday was such a relief. And then of course our teacher tells us that we shouldn’t have tried to read every word of the books, only skimmed them. Things that would have been helpful to know before! Oh well, now I feel a strong sense of accomplishment and I can focus on my last week of Spanish. But for now, I’m enjoying the feeling of having absolutely nothing I should be doing.

We are nuts!

7/15/2006 Category :General 3

Last Sunday night was the first night Brenden spent in his room in his crib. I expected to be worried, but I was too tired. It helped that my Mom was spending the night (she’s watching Brenden for a couple hours each day while I go to summer school) and offered to get up with him when he needed to be fed.

So he’s been on the other side of the house for a whole week now and it’s been fine. Until today. Early this morning I had a dream that there was a snake in the house and while I was gathering stuff to get it out of the house it crawled into Brenden’s crib. So I woke up from that and looked at the clock and saw that it was 5:00 a.m. Brenden had not woken up all night. He often wakes up at 2:00 and almost always around 3:30-4:30. So I was really worried. We have a monitor in our room and I couldn’t hear a thing. So I paniced and got up to check on him. I’ll be darned if he wasn’t sleeping away! So I got back in bed feeling dumb and started to go back to sleep when he made a huge gulping noise and then was quiet. So of course, up I went to check on him again. Again, he was fine. So by now I’m feeling really silly but have started to think about what if something did happen to him, so it’s very hard to get back to sleep.

At 6:00 a.m. Patrick’s weekday alarm goes off because he forgot to turn it off. The first thing he does, not knowing that I’ve been up twice, is to go check on Brenden with all the same thoughts I was having. When he came back I confessed I’d done the same thing. I finally got back to sleep, but Patrick was up for another hour.

I think it’s some sort of irony that we’ve been waiting for him to sleep through the night and he finally did it and WE couldn’t sleep!

Brenden is growing!

7/7/2006 Category :General 3

Brenden had his two month appointment yesterday. He’s almost 10 weeks old now and has put in lots of growing time. He’s up to 12 lbs 10 oz and 24 1/4 inches long. He wasn’t very happy about his visit to the doctor though. They had a nurse on each side of him and they counted to 3 and then gave him a shot on each side at the same time. The did this twice for a total of four shots. He was so miserable afterwards. After his last shot he was fine, just slept a lot, but this set made him cranky and sore and he had to have some tylenol drops. But the good news is that unless he gets sick he doesn’t have to go back until he’s 4 months old. And since he just got over his first cold, we get a long break between visits.


8 weeks old

6/25/2006 Category :General 3

Ok, as Kelli pointed out with her comment on my last entry, it is time for me to update. So here it goes….

Brenden went to the doctor for his one month checkup and shots on June 1st. He was up to 9 lbs 14 oz and 22 1/2 inches. A Bit of a difference from his appointment two weeks earlier (see previous entry). He goes back on July 6th and I’m sure those numbers will be drastically different by then. The boy is doing nothing but growing! Ok, that’s not true, he’s also eating up a storm and making us wish we knew someone with stock in pampers!

Patrick and I also celebrated our 4 year anniversary on June 1st. In the past we’ve celebrated by taking a trip somewhere, even if it was small. This year we kept it quiet with a nice dinner while Andy and Sara watched Brenden for us. We ate at Chamberlain’s steakhouse which was yummy!

Patrick had his first father’s day too which was nice. We spent time with my Dad, Patrick’s Dad and then went out to eat to celebrate the day for him.

In the past month or so Brenden has learned to track the fish that go in a circle on the swing my friend Melissa let us borrow. He loves to watch them go round and round. He can also fling himself off his stomach and onto his back from the pillow on his Einstein mat. I’m not sure if he knows that’s cheating, but hey, it gets him where he wants to go!

The past 4 days he’s been working really hard on sucking his fingers. This is harder for him than it might sound. His instinct is to suck the fingers on the right hand only there aren’t any there so he ends up sucking the whole fist. So in the past what he’s done is try a few times and then give up. But this week he’s been trying every chance he gets. He’s even been waking up hungry and trying his fingers in an effort to self-soothe until we get him food. It’s really neat to watch him learn something. Now so far he’s only really been sucessful once, and I happened to get a picture which is below.

I start summer II on July 9th while my Mom watches Brenden for me. Two hours a day Mon-Thurs of Spanish. Blah. I had 4 years of spanish in high school, but don’t remember much of it. I’ll also be taking an online non-fiction class which should be interesting.

DSCN0834.JPGBrenden swinging IIBrenden swingingBrenden on the boppy

My first Mother’s Day!

5/19/2006 Category :General 2

Well, as most people know now, almost 3 weeks ago on Saturday, April 29 we went in to the hospital at quarter to 7 to be induced. I’m not a morning person so I was groggy, but excited. We knew there was every chance that I was going to be sent home until Tuesday though, so I was trying not to get too excited. Especially after I saw all the little viles they were going to be using to take blood samples.

I got checked in and situated in my room. They took blood and thankfully numbed my wrist before putting the IV in. I contracted until about 6 p.m. and they decided to take me off the pitocin and keep me over night instead of having me go home. They woke me up at 3:30 that morning to put me back on the pitocin and break my water. From that moment on I was having serious contractions. (They hadn’t hurt the day before, but now they did). I got three doses of pain medication through my IV. The first two worked really well until they wore off, but the 3rd really didn’t help. I had already decided it was time for the epidural when the nurse came in and said my doctor said it was time.

So I got the epidural and was about ready to tell off the man that administered it. I could not figure out how to curve my spine out and keep my shoulders down at the same time, especially with a stomach full of baby. He kept telling me that it wouldn’t work if I didn’t get in the right position. He made it seem like I was doing it on purpose. But anyway, we got it done and I started to feel great. At one point I asked my Mom why there was a rubber mat on my leg, but it turned out it WAS my leg and it just felt like rubber to me!

At 5:30 that night after laboring since 3:30 a.m., with no food I might add, they decided I wasn’t progressing as much/fast as I should so I would be having a c-section. At 6:11 p.m. Brenden Patrick Burleson was born!

I ended up having all the things I said for 9 months that I didn’t want to have…I was induced, I had an epidural, and I had a c-section. But as the time came for each of them, it turned out I was actually very greatful for them. It’s funny how things turn out.

Brenden is a strong healthy boy. He’s been to the geneticist to see about his right hand that didn’t finish forming and she found that nothing else was wrong with him and it’s just one of those things. He’s had some trouble with eating and therefore weight gain, but that is improving greatly and hopefully when we got to the doctor on Monday he will be back up to birth weight. If he didn’t look so darn much like Patrick I’d have to be concerned that he was switch at birth because both the Romanski’s and the Burleson’s are eaters! He’s also had to have a small clip to his tongue because he had what’s called tongue tie where it was connected much closer to the front of his mouth than it should have been and it was affecting his eating.

For mother’s day Patrick took me out to dinner while Kelli watched Brenden for an hour. And I got a card for “mom” from Brenden!


This is Brenden’s favorite way to sleep. We call it touchdown baby.


This is a wierd angle, but I wanted to catch a picture of him with his eyes open.


This is after his first bath. He did not enjoy it.

110 Movies

5/19/2006 Category :General 1

Kelli posted this on her blog and since I’d seen so many I had to do it. I’ve seen 110 of the movies and most of what I haven’t seen is waiting in our netflix que, so apparently I have no life.

SUPPOSEDLY if you’ve seen over 90 movies, you have no life. Mark the ones you’ve seen. There are 200 movies on this list. Put your score in header and repost:

(x) Willow
( ) Shop Girl
(x) Rocky Horror Picture Show
(x) Grease
(x) Pirates of the Caribbean
( ) Boondock Saints
(x) The Mexican
(x) Fight Club
(x) Starsky and Hutch
(x) Neverending Story
(x) Blazing Saddles
(x) Airplane
Total: 10

(x) The Princess Bride
(x) Young Frankenstein
(x) AnchorMan: The Legend of Ron Burgandy
( ) Napoleon Dynamite
(x) Labyrinth
( ) Saw
( ) Saw II
( ) White Noise
(x) White Oleander
(x) Anger Management
(x) 50 First Dates
( ) Jason X
Total: 7

(x) Scream
(x) Scream 2
(x) Scream 3
(x) Scary Movie
( ) Scary Movie 2
(x) Scary Movie 3
(x) American Pie
(x) American Pie 2
(x) American Wedding
( ) Band Camp
Total: 8

(x) Harry Potter
(x) Harry Potter 2
(x) Harry Potter 3
(x) Harry Potter 4
( ) Resident Evil I
( ) Resident Evil 2
(x) The Wedding Singer
(x) Little Black Book
( )The Village
( ) Donnie Darko
( ) Lilo & Stitch.
( ) Lilo & Stitch 2: Stitch has a Glitch
Total: 6

(x) Finding Nemo
(x) Finding Neverland
(x) Signs
(x) The Grinch (jim carrey)
( ) Texas Chainsaw Massacre
( ) White Chicks
(x) Butterfly Effect
(x) Thirteen Going on 30
( ) I, Robot
Total: 6

(x) Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story
( ) Universal Soldier
(x) A Series Of Unfortunate Events
(x) Along Came Polly
( ) Deep Impact
(x) KingPin
(x) Never Been Kissed
(x) Meet The Parents
(x) Meet the Fockers
( ) Eight Crazy Nights
( ) Joe Dirt
Total: 7

(x) A Cinderella Story
( ) The Terminal
( ) the Lizzie McGuire Movie
( ) Passport to Paris
(x) Dumb & Dumber
( ) Dumb & Dumberer
( )Final Destination
( )Final Destination 2
( )Final Destination 3
( ) Halloween
(x)The Ring
( )The Ring 2
Total: 3

(x) Mystic River
( ) Dark Water
( ) Blue Crush
(x) Harold & Kumar Go To White Castle
(x ) Practical Magic
(x) Chicago
( ) Ghost Ship
( ) From Hell
( ) Hellboy
(x) Secret Window
(x) I Am Sam
(x) The Whole Nine Yards
Total: 7

(x) The Day After Tomorrow
( ) Child’s Play
( ) Seed Of Chucky
( ) Bride of Chucky
(x) Ten Things I Hate About You
( ) Gothika
( ) Nightmare on Elm Street
(x) Sixteen Candles
(x) Remember the Titans
( ) Coach Carter
( ) Bad Boys
Total: 4

(x) My Girl
( ) Cinderella Man
( ) Tristan and Isolde
(x) The Lion King
( ) Godsend
( ) Bad Boys 2
(x) Se7en
(x) Ocean’s Eleven
(x) Ocean’s Twelve
(x) Identity
( ) Lone Star
(x) Bedazzled
( ) Predator I
( ) Predator II

(x) Independence Day
( ) Cujo
( ) A Bronx Tale
( ) Darkness Falls
( ) Christine (But oddly, I own it, lol! It was a gift from good friends)
(x) ET
(x) Children of the Corn
(x) My Boss’ daughter
(x) Maid in Manhattan
( ) Frailty
( ) Mr. Destiny
Total: 5

( ) Best Bet
(x) How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days
(x) She’s All That
( ) Calendar Girls
(x) Sideways
(x) Mars Attacks
( ) Event Horizon
(x) Ever After
(x) Forrest Gump
(x) Big Trouble in Little China
Total: 7

( ) X-Men
( ) X2
(x) Spider-Man
(x) Spider-Man 2
( ) Sky High
( ) Jeepers Creepers
( ) Jeepers Creepers 2
(x) Catch Me If You Can
( ) The Others
( ) Freaky Friday
( ) Reign of Fire
( )Cruel Intentions
( )Cruel Intentions 2
( ) The Hot Chick
Total: 3

( ) Swimfan
(x) Miracle
(x) Old School
(x) The Notebook
( ) K-Pax
(x) Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring
(x) Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers
(x) Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King
(x) A Walk to Remember
( ) Boogeyman
Total: 7

(x) BraveHeart
(x) Count of Monte Cristo
(x) Hitch
(x) The Fifth Element
(x) Star Wars Episode I The Phantom Menace
(x) Star Wars Episode II Attack of The Clones
(x) Star Wars Episode III Revenge of The Sith
(x) Star Wars Episode IV A New Hope
(x) Star Wars Episode V The Empire Strikes Back
(x) Star Wars Episode VI Return of The Jedi
(x) Troop Beverly Hills
( ) Swimming with Sharks
Total: 11

(x) Air Force One
( ) For Richer or Poorer
( ) Trainspotting (can’t make it past the toilet scene)
( ) People Under the Stairs……
( ) Blue Velvet
(x) Sound of Music
(x) Parent Trap
(x) Parent Trap Re-make
(x) The Birds
(x) The Terminator
(x) Terminator-2
(x) T-3
Total: 8

(x) Empire Records
( ) SLC Punk
(x) Meet Joe Black
( ) Nightmare Before Christmas
(x) The Silence of the Lambs
(x) Sleepy Hollow
( ) I Heart Huckabees
( ) 24 Hour Party People
( ) Blood In Blood Out..
Total: 4

Saturday, the new Sunday

4/28/2006 Category :General 1

My doctor called last night to tell me he wants to change me going in on Sunday to me coming in on Saturday. As in tomorrow! So much for all the things we were going to accomplish on Saturday!

The Perishers

4/25/2006 Category :General 0

Almost a year ago in May Patrick and I went to see Sarah McLachlan and this group called the Perishers opened for her. She came out and sang a song called “Pills” with them. I really liked that song, so I bought it off Itunes right away but never bought anything else of theirs. Then xm started playing “Sway” and “Still Here” all the time and I decided I liked those too. So a few days ago I finally bought the whole cd and it’s pretty good. At least I think so. But the lyrics are kind of depressing.

Baby Update #3gillion

4/24/2006 Category :General 0

I didn’t update after my doctor’s visit last week but long story short, I found out last week that due to low blood sugar my doctor was going to seriously consider inducing me at 38 weeks. I also had my appointments switched to Monday’s along with moving my non-stress tests from being every Tuesday to being every Monday and Friday. My Mom went with me to last Friday’s test and kept me company after we went out to a “girly” lunch. So that was nice.

But ever since last Tuesday we’ve been trying to figure out what was going to happen at my appointment today. And now I know! I’ll be going in EARLY Sunday morning, and I’m not a morning person, to be induced. If the induction works, I’ll have the baby Sunday. If not, and everything looks ok, I’ll come back and try again Tuesday. If the induction doesn’t work on Sunday and something looks wrong, they’ll go ahead and c-section. Yes, I’m paralyzed with fear by that one, but what can I do?

So one way or another we’ll have a baby Sunday or Tuesday at the latest and we’ll know if it’s a Phoebe or a Pheobo. (Friends reference.) Yikes! But in a good way.

Here are some pictures of the nursery almost finished. A little more has been done, but our digital camera is getting repaired.




Week 36

4/13/2006 Category :General 1

Well, I’m officially 9 months today at week 36. When I hit week 37, the baby is considered full term and can come at any time.

We’ve got the nursery mostly done. I’m just touching up a few last paint spots and then I’ll post a picture.

I almost cried for the first time the other day when I went to borrow one of Patrick’s xxl shirts and it wasn’t big. In fact it barely covered my tummy. He, like a good husband, insists that it is one of his shrunken ones. Is shrunken a word?

I’m nearing 200 on the scale, but retaining a lot of fluid in my legs and feet. Didn’t you all want to know that? It makes me look like I have sausage slabs for legs and hobbit feet. I am supposed to be on bedrest 3-4 hours a day with my feet up.

We are as ready as we are ever gonna be and getting very excited. Still don’t know if I’ll have to be induced early or not. The doctor is now saying as long as my sugars stay good he’ll let me get as close to my date as possible.

And still no insulin! In fact my sugars have been really good this week with a high of 101! Down from getting occassional 115s and a lot of 105-110.

A collection of thoughts on school

3/29/2006 Category :General 0

Depressing Stuff:

This week it seems my teachers and classmates are out to depress me. First thing Monday morning my tiny little old man of a British literature teacher starts out the 8:00 class talking in great detail of having to put his cat to sleep. There was line in a story we were reading and it made him think of that. Now, you know how much I love animals, so I really didn’t want to hear about the poor kitty with cancer and how it slept for two hours on his stomach before they took it to the vet and then stood there with it while it was put to sleep.

Then in my Shakespeare class that same day we were talking about tragedy plays and what the purpose of them was. So my teacher got to talking about sad movies. Terms of Endearment. Steel Magnolias. And of course she had to go over the plots of them for people who had never seen them.

And finally today in my grammar class over half the class was absent so we were talking about all the things people had going on in their lives and how this was just a bad week. A girl pipes up that her kitten died. Sad enough. But then she went into how it got hit by a car and had some broken bones but they thought it was going to live. And then it died.


There is a girl in my Shakespeare class who I’ve thought since the first day of school is a little odd. She talks to herself outloud. She’s just weird. But I would NEVER say that to her.

Today we were in a group together working on a project and someone in the group smelt like pickles. So I said, “Someone smells like pickles!” I suppose it’s a little bit of a random thing to say, but so what. And she turns to me and says, “Okayyyy,you are a little bit wierd!” I’m weird? Really? Hello pot, this is the kettle, you’re black!

Class discussion I liked:
For the person who thinks, life is a comedy.
For the person who feels, life is a tragedy.

Of course, I’d like to think that we all think and all feel so that life is a mixture of both comedy and tragedy.

Poem I liked:
Resume by Dorothy Parker

Razors pain you;
Rivers are damp;
Acids stain you;
And drugs cause cramp.
Guns aren’t lawful;
Nooses give;
Gas smells awful;
You might as well live.

I think it’s a really funny comment on suicide. Not that I think suicide is funny or anything.

Today’s some people shouldn’t breed moment:

3/28/2006 Category :General 0

I just got back from my weekly doctor’s appointment and non-stress test. The doctor and the nurse that did my testing said everything is looking great! And the swelling that I had in my legs and ankles is looking better thanks to lots of putting my feet up on mounds of pillows.

As I was getting into the elevator to leave the hospital a lady wearing a hospital gown and attatched to an IV got on with me. She started asking me questions about when I was due and what I was having so I got brave and asked her if she was escaping since she was going down to the ground floor. Hey, she’d already told me I was huge, I didn’t feel there were any more boundries to cross. Turns out she was going down to smoke. No big deal you say. Maybe if she hadn’t told me that she was finding out the sex of her baby today. Who let her out to go smoke? I really wanted to tell someone to stop her, but who can you tell?


3/22/2006 Category :General 0

A headline I read today :

Health Tip: Some Allergies Are Year-Round

No kidding. I’m glad someone finally acknowledged that I might be sneezing and having itchy eyes all year instead of just seasonally!

Today’s deep thought

3/20/2006 Category :General 0

You know the little silver circle on the inside wall of a bath tub that drains the water when it gets above it? Why is that there? If bath tub makers only want you to fill the tub up to that line, then why do they make the tub deeper than that? I want the tub all the way full, not full to some arbitrary line.


3/20/2006 Category :General 1

Patrick and I actaully watched all three of our netflix over the weekend and today. Today’s choice: “Closer”. We’d heard a lot of great things about it, but sadly, we didn’t feel it lived up to all the hype.

The characters had no redeeming qualities and I didn’t even like them. It may be the first Julia Roberts character EVER that I didn’t like. Things came out of her mouth that just shouldn’t have. I mean, I know she’s an actress and just playing roles and that she probably doesn’t want to always be the good girl, but man!

We really didn’t get the point. It’s one of those movies you watch and at the end you say “that’s it? I want my two hours back!” We decided maybe we just aren’t sophisticated enough to get it.

Oh well, maybe the next set will be better.

The new look

3/20/2006 Category :General 1

Patrick switched where all our stuff is being hosted and had to make some changes on my website so I took the opportunity to pick a new look. I lost the cute puppies, but now I have more color!