Category :General
We are quickly approaching huge changes that are all good, but still a little scary. As of right now, I’m still scheduled for my c-section 1 week from today. I should know more details tomorrow, but don’t expect that date to change.
Also, due to a great opportunity for my parents, they won’t be able to spend as much time with us as we are used to for a while. Well, actually that isn’t entirely true…My mom will come stay with us for a bit when after the baby is born to help us all adjust and to help take care of Brenden.
Both great things, but big changes to adjust to. I’m sure we’ll all do well though.
Category :General
Once again Patrick actually beat me to blogging about our Christmas, but I thought I’d share a couple of different pictures from the past few weeks.

Richardson sets up Santa's Village by the civic center. We went on a freezing cold night. Brenden's favorite part was this fire truck in the parking lot that all the kids were climbing on. Oh, and the cookie Mrs. Claus gave him!

Our Christmas Tree when it was fresh and perfect.

Riding his new elephant.

Waiting for Mom to get his gifts out of their packages.

Impressing everyone that not only can he play super collapse, he's really good at it!
Category :General
My c-section was officially schedule today for Jan 5th at Noon. 3 days before Patrick’s birthday. We are getting very anxious to find out of it is an Emily or a Luke. Yes, those are the first names we’ve picked out. I’ll try to get some pictures of Brenden up soon, I know it’s been a bit since I’ve done any updating!