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A collection of thoughts on school

Depressing Stuff:

This week it seems my teachers and classmates are out to depress me. First thing Monday morning my tiny little old man of a British literature teacher starts out the 8:00 class talking in great detail of having to put his cat to sleep. There was line in a story we were reading and it made him think of that. Now, you know how much I love animals, so I really didn’t want to hear about the poor kitty with cancer and how it slept for two hours on his stomach before they took it to the vet and then stood there with it while it was put to sleep.

Then in my Shakespeare class that same day we were talking about tragedy plays and what the purpose of them was. So my teacher got to talking about sad movies. Terms of Endearment. Steel Magnolias. And of course she had to go over the plots of them for people who had never seen them.

And finally today in my grammar class over half the class was absent so we were talking about all the things people had going on in their lives and how this was just a bad week. A girl pipes up that her kitten died. Sad enough. But then she went into how it got hit by a car and had some broken bones but they thought it was going to live. And then it died.


There is a girl in my Shakespeare class who I’ve thought since the first day of school is a little odd. She talks to herself outloud. She’s just weird. But I would NEVER say that to her.

Today we were in a group together working on a project and someone in the group smelt like pickles. So I said, “Someone smells like pickles!” I suppose it’s a little bit of a random thing to say, but so what. And she turns to me and says, “Okayyyy,you are a little bit wierd!” I’m weird? Really? Hello pot, this is the kettle, you’re black!

Class discussion I liked:
For the person who thinks, life is a comedy.
For the person who feels, life is a tragedy.

Of course, I’d like to think that we all think and all feel so that life is a mixture of both comedy and tragedy.

Poem I liked:
Resume by Dorothy Parker

Razors pain you;
Rivers are damp;
Acids stain you;
And drugs cause cramp.
Guns aren’t lawful;
Nooses give;
Gas smells awful;
You might as well live.

I think it’s a really funny comment on suicide. Not that I think suicide is funny or anything.

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