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7/26/2011 Category :General 1

We got back last night from a long weekend in Colorado visiting friends. We all had a great time but are happy to be home. The kids were especially happy to see all their toys and their dogs. Mostly we relaxed while the 4 kids (ours and the two we were visiting) and sometimes more played. At one point there were 7 little boys and our little girl (who held her own) playing in the same house. We spent time each night out on the deck in the cool breeze, a welcome break from day 5,000 of 100+ degree weather around here lately. We went to Tiny Town and the Denver Childern’s Museum both places we had taken Brenden on our visit there 4 years ago. Not the difference in the pictures below:

Brenden said a few things along the way I had to capture.

1) Upon waking up the morning we left I heard him sweetly telling the dog, “Bailey today we go see Wilder and Hunter. We’ll be gone for 4 days and then we’ll be back.”

2) As we started the long drive, “Hey, we woke up early like Grandpa when he was going to get Grandma”

3) After asking us something repeatedly and finding our patience gone, “That’s just the way God made me. He wanted me to be a kid that asks a lot of questions over and over.”

Here is a link to my photo gallery:



7/6/2011 Category :General 0

It’s disaster week here on the Burleson channel. It’s not exactly a secret that I’m accident prone and not so coordinated, but this week it seems to be plaguing the whole household.

Sunday as I was doing dishes I hit my elbow on the cabinet door handle and started bleeding. Monday evening at the grocery store Emily hit Brenden in the nose and it turned into a bloody nose. Then yesterday as I was about to leave for class Emily fell going up the step to the sunroom. She hit her nose and head and scraped her arm and leg. So she had a bloody nose, head, arm and leg. Today with my knee and back already killing me from who knows what, I ran into the door frame leaving Emily’s room and hurt my arm. I know there’s more, but you get the picture.

Update: I knew I’d think of more….
I burnt my ear on my hair straightener. And not just an “ouch, that hurt” but like a burn with a degree.
Also, Patrick burnt his finger on some steaming water he was draining.

Below is Emily’s black and blue nose with a little “bad booboo” as she likes to call them.