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August Rain brings August Flowers

8/25/2008 Category :General 1

A few pictures of the pretty flowers that have popped out since last week’s rain.



A few more Pictures….

8/19/2008 Category :General 0

Since I don’t seem to have time to post much else.


Getting ready to hit the pool.


Enjoying some more chocolate ice cream. The picture doesn’t do a good job of showing just how covered in chocolate he was.


All dressed up to go spend the day with his Nanny.


Still wound up from his day away from home and enjoying a could climb on his bouncy ball.


Not the best picture. He climbed this slide all the way from the bottom to the top rather than go to it the easy way.

Mess Managed

8/8/2008 Category :General 1

I’ve been feeling a little stressed out this past week and wasn’t really sure why. Oh sure, we’ve had our share of chaos and things gone wrong—dogs getting sick on the carpet in many spots, broken ac in the car, broken pool heater, broken dishwasher (again!)—but I really don’t feel like any of that was quite it. Sure, those things added up, but tonight it hit me what the real problem was.

When Patrick got home we finally moved a few pieces of furniture around. They were small changes but they helped us complete some rooms that had been chaotic. I also worked pretty hard during the day today to make some progress on cleaning out the future baby’s room. We’d piled all the unpacked boxes in there and you could barely walk through. So lots of things fell into place today. As things came together tonight I was reminded how important it is to me to have everything in it’s place. Yes, I’m anal. Yes, I’m a neat freak. But it just really stressed me out to walk over or around things that are out of place. It stresses me to not be able to find something or to have to move things to get to what I want.

So the house is far from done, but I’m feeling much better now that there is less to put away.

We moved!

8/1/2008 Category :General 3

I know I haven’t posted much lately. We did finally get our house sold and we moved. It was a huge roller coaster and we didn’t know from minute to minute if the selling or the buying was going to happen. Actually, we didn’t know if the buying was going to happen until about an hour before it did! But we moved in to our new house last Friday and have been busy setting things up and finding a home for everything. I thought I’d post the couple of shots I’ve had a chance to take of Brenden since we’ve been here.


Our first day at the house. We’d spent the week in Sherman and Brenden had stayed with his grandparents on the last day while the movers came and we set up his room. Then he and Grandpa dipped their feet in the pool!



I mentioned before that Brenden’s new room would be done in a Cowboy theme. My Mom had been gathering some things for it and these boots were among the items. I haven’t fully decorated his room yet but I had the boots on the bookshelf and he had been wanting to wear them to be like Sheriff Woody in Toy Story.


I bought him this boat way back at his birthday but we’d never used it. All week he’s been looking at the box I’d stuck by the back door and wanting it but I knew I couldn’t blow it up. Darn asthma! I finally remembered to ask Patrick to do it last night before we all headed out to the pool. Brenden was so excited about it that he climbed in before we even got it out to the water.