> General > Emily’s 18 month old

Emily’s 18 month old

Posted on 7/14/2010 | 4 Comments on Emily’s 18 month old

Emily had her belated 18 month checkup on Monday and is looking great. She only cried for a split second after her two shots and was done before they even had the bandaids on. Although she promptly ripped the bandaids off.

Her Stats:
Weight: 23.6 lbs 37%
Length: 32 in 58%

She’s been an adorable joy. As long as you don’t want to give her a bath or wash her hair!


  1. Patrick Burleson Reply

    She looks pissed in that shot!

  2. Rachel Reply

    I LOVE this picture.

  3. Becky Parfitt Reply

    Hey Sister! The kids are soo cute! We will have to get them all together sometime soon with Paul’s kids too! Please consider comming to visit in Taos! Love Becky

  4. Becky Parfitt Reply

    We just shaved Violets hair in the back cuz she had locks from not letting us brush it. She looks so punk!

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