> General > I see the light…it’s dim, but I see it

I see the light…it’s dim, but I see it

When I left school back in ’01, I had about 15 hours left to complete my journalism degree. When I went back last year, I figured that I had about 30 hours to complete a degree in English instead. Somehow, that number just kept growing until it seemed like maybe I’d never finish. Especially after a frustrating advising session at the end of last semester. But I sat down this past Thursday and finally got it all planned out on paper.

I’m taking 4 classes starting this Wed. I’ll have two American Literature classes, Spanish 3 and social psychology (to complete my psych minor). This summer I will take two classes leaving me 12 hours for the Fall. Then….graduation. Then I can finally start being whatever it is I’m going to be when I grow up! Too bad that when I told my advisor what I was interested in doing he told me repeatedly that I should just write childrens books because I could use my psychology and writing skills for that. And while I would love to do that, I can’t exactly just whip up a book and earn a living. And whatever happened to being supportive? Oh well, who needs him! I’ve got a great support system when it comes to giving encouragement on finishing up with school.

So maybe it has taken longer to finish up school than I ever thought it would take me, I’m doing it. And I do believe that often it is the things that are hard that are worth the most.


  1. Amy Reply

    Hang in there, Maggie. It’s definitely worth it. Sometimes Brandon STILL has a hard time believing he actually went back and finished – and he’s been out of school for 2 1/2 years!

    Forget advisors – they cost me over a thousand dollars and several months of my time telling me what I should/shouldn’t take. Just figure it out on your own! 🙂

  2. Kelli Reply

    Is that like seeing the Statue of Liberty, but very very small of course? 🙂

    You are almost there and I am SOOO proud of you! I have been there and done that and know you can do it. You’re the smartest chickie I know!

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