> General > I want my Mommy and Dadddy!

I want my Mommy and Dadddy!

What a crappy day! Everyday at work my computer gives me the white screen of death about 30 times, and no, I’m really not exaggerating. And every day two of the guys there work for a few hours to fix it taking time away from them doing their jobs and me doing mine. So that combined with all the time I spend trying to restart and reopen everything makes for a lot of wasted time. Today the only thing I accomplished on my computer was to print a couple of work emails and send a few. Nothing else would work at all.

Yesterday one of my bosses told me they just got a G4 back from the repair shop and I could have that today to replace my G3.
But instead, I got to play tech support and trouble shooter…yet another job responsiblity so not in my job description! I spent ALL day waiting for my computer to restart and run through first aid repair…which to me is like trying to give a person mouth to mouth when they’ve already flatlined. Pointless. Oh, and it crashed twice while I was running the repairs. But that didn’t discourage my boss who was bound and determined not to give up. My computer is toast. Or at the very least needs professional help, which we for some reason have no one in the company for. But I never got the G4. Supposedly tomorrow. But I don’t understand why I couldn’t have spent the time getting that one set up and let someone else at the apple store work on the one I have.

Then, it started sleeting just in time for me to drive home. The drive was yucky, but not too bad. I got home and bundled up to walk the dogs. And for those of you that read my other dog story, you know I’ve learned it’s not possible to hold an umbrella while walking two crazy dogs. So I didn’t take one, but I put a hat on.

I didn’t realize how windy it was and that the rain/sleet combo had started to blow sideways and mix with a little snow. Wind and ice are blowing at me from all directions, but I get the dogs out and get done as fast as possible and start to walk home. Then I realized my keys had fallen out of my pocket somewhere. So in the midst of trying to stand upright in the wind and rain, sleet slapping the sides of my face and neck and dogs getting leashes tangled and pulling me in two different directions, I try to look for them, but can’t find them.

I had to take the dogs to the office and beg to borrow a key, which they wanted me to leave ID for. Who takes ID to walk dogs? Luckily, Patrick’s super friendliness paid off as he has made friends with the assistant manager and she let me take the key. I got the dogs in, put a scarf on, got the umbrella and headed back outside.

And do you know where my keys were? At the bottom of the steps leading up to the building. And I looked there! I still can’t feel my ears.


  1. Fred Romanski Reply

    Dear Mags…Thanks for Blogging (Does that have 2 g’s???) It’s a nice way to see what’s on your alleged mind. I’ll try to remember to come back often. Your Pop.

  2. Amy Reply

    Poor Mags…what a rotten day! I’m sorry for your bad luck! Drink a nice hot cup of tea, and make Patrick spoil you a little! 🙂

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