> General > Bridget


Posted on 3/20/2005 | 2 Comments on Bridget

It’s always been hard for me to fall asleep at night, but I’ve made a lot of consessions since getting married. I’ve learned to sleep with the fan on even when it’s 20 degrees and the door open, which I never used to do. The biggest consession though is that I’ve learned to fall asleep with the TV on. Every night we pick a movie to fall asleep to. Patrick gives me a hard time because the one thing I do insist on is that it’s not scary or violent…which in our movie selection really narrows things down. It mostly means we can only watch the few chick flicks (not that I agree with that term) that I’ve snuck into the collection. Most of my movies are still on VHS.

One of the movies we fall asleep to the most is Bridget Jones because we both really like that one. Patrick loves the line about looking like she’s just escaped from Auschwitz. In the theater, we were the only people that laughed at that. So I have been waiting for the second movie to come out on DVD. I was very excited to find that it was out early today at the store. Even though the second one doesn’t follow the book as well as the first one does, it’s still pretty good.

I love the movies first and foremost because they have Colin Firth in them, and let’s face it, he’s pretty darn good looking. But I also love them because Bridget is such an every woman. I really relate to her because she tries to be this perfect, confident and pulled together woman but underneath it all she’s just a huge insecure dork.

I love the skiing part of the second movie when she doesn’t get off the lift in time. It starts to go back around and she has to jump off. That actually happened to me the first time I went skiing, but I didn’t jump…they had to STOP the lift and let me off. As Kelli can tell you, we still refer to that as the “I’m glad your so confident, ’cause I’m still on the lift” story…as that’s what I said as Kelli got off and I started to go back around. Like Bridget, I’m also prone to imagining scenarios in my head though not so fantastical.

Pretty quiet weekend. Patrick was out all yesterday with friends in Philly. He sent me a text message with a picture of the Liberty Bell. I enjoyed a nice day of cleaning while listening to my music full volume and singing at the top of my lungs. My favorite two stress relievers. I know it’s weird to like to clean, but there is just something so relaxing to me about making everything nice and neat and orderly and putting it in it’s place.

Patrick and I finally figured out one of my problems in dancing—apparently I’m leading without even being aware that I’m doing it. Can’t give up control for even a second I guess! But since I don’t realize I’m doing it, it makes it a hard thing to stop. We “graduate” next week and have had a lot of fun taking the classes.

So now another Monday is rolling around. Another week of work. Another week of admin duties. But you never know, maybe this is the week my ACTUAL job will start. I know, it’s not the end of the world, and I’ll tough this out as I tough out everything else.


  1. Kelli Reply

    Can I just say that the lift moment is one of the funniest things we have ever done?? I will NEVER forget it. I had fallen off before that so I was all trying to be positive, “Come on, we can do it! You go right, I go left. Knees bent, poles out…” And then Maggie busted out with, “I’m glad you’re so confident cause I am still on the lift!” I had JUST gotten off and I was laughing so hard that I ended up falling and then they stopped the lift for her. Good times!
    I laugh till I ache just thinking about it.

    GREAT post, Mags…love the detail and personal stuff.

  2. Maggie Reply

    Yeah, and then I skied over the side of the moutain and into a tree after that! I’m so not a skier!

    I know, I did get personal didn’t I? I don’t normally do that, but I had a lot on my mind.

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