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Quote of the day…

Posted on 3/14/2007 | 1 Comment on Quote of the day…

So sometime at the end of last year Patrick bought a laptop from one of his friends. He hemmed and hawed over it and had a great debate as to whether that was what he wanted or did he want an apple laptop. He finally decided he wanted his friends laptop and so he bought it.

It couldn’t have been more than two months later that he decided he hadn’t made the right choice for him and that he really needed a mac. I was a little perturbed needless to say. I told him this was a good lesson in thinking about the consequences of his actions!

Turns out he won the persistence match and I gave in and let him sell his laptop to get the money for the mac. He listed it on ebay and the auction ended Saturday. Patrick was crushed to find out that the auction had just barely met the reserve, but sadly the guy was a scammer. Ebay was on top of things though and got him his auction fees refunded. After a consultation with my ebay expert parents, Patrick decided to offer the next highest bidder a second chance at the computer even though his high bid was slightly under the reserve. The guy agreed and paid for it within a half an hour of the offer on Sunday.

We have a ton of random electronic stuff laying around that I’ve been asking Patrick to put on ebay or craigslist ever since we got home. You know, stuff that has been replaced with better stuff. And it has remained on his to do list ever since. I told him when he got that stuff listed he could go to the Apple store and buy his computer. So he had plans to go buy it tomorrow at lunch after completing his task tonight.

And we are finally getting to the quote. We were talking just now about our money situation and I suggested maybe it would be best to wait one more day until after payday. You would have thought the world had ended as Patrick put on his best pout. Frustrated with him I asked him how many babies I had to take care of. A little mean, I know, but you didn’t see him. His response: “Just me.” I said, then who is going to take care of Brenden? Patrick-“He’s not a baby. He’s an infant.” Maybe it was the tone of his voice, or maybe it was just the rest of my day adding up, but that cracked me up.

By the way, I asked Patrick how to spell perterbed and persistence and he said, ” Are you writing about me?” I think someone has a guilty conscience.

What was the rest of my day you ask? The day started off nicely enough. I was procrastinating on a writing project and my biggest topic on my mind was should I keep growing my hair long or cut it. Still haven’t come to any conclusions about that by the way.

Anway, Brenden woke up from his nap. I was moving my studying around him as he moved around the house. I ended up sitting at the dining room table. Brenden came to play at my feet. He fell forward into the chair and hit his head. There was silence building toward that awful scream I knew was coming, and then it came. He was bleeding. I called Patrick who laughed at me for wondering, “how do you know if a baby has a concussion?”

After Brenden was calmed down, I gave him a bottle and realized it was time for his second nap of the day. I put him in his crib, but not 5 minutes later I heard the dreaded scream that has come to signify that his leg is stuck in that darn crib yet again. (I’m working on writing the company about that.) So I went in to free him and as usual the longer it took, the louder he screamed, the more panicy I became. You’d think I’d be used to it because it keeps happening, but no. I finally got him out, and started to calm him down.

I decided the best thing to do would be to put him down for his nap in his play yard in our room. It wasn’t set up and our room is a mess because we are in the process of moving some things around. I’m trying to set it up and manuver around all these things all with one hand as I hold Brenden who does not want to let me go with my other hand. I then stepped on a plug to a tivo unit that is on our floor and fell down and backwards into Sam’s crate door which stabbed me in the back. And at that moment it started to storm. Literally. Which of course freaked out the dogs and kept the baby from sleeping. It turned out to be a day, but I got chick-fil-a out of it!


  1. Kelli Reply

    So does Pbur get the Mac thing or not?? 🙂

    I am so sorry you had a bad day. The storm was super scary yesterday…I even turned off my computer and unplugged it.

    Hope today and the rest of your week is better than yesterday!

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