> General > 10 months

10 months

Posted on 3/3/2007 | 3 Comments on 10 months

That’s right, it is time for your monthly Brenden update! I’ve come to the conclusion that since Brenden was born on the 30th of the month then all months should have 30 days. It would just be a lot easier for me!

He loves to look out the windows, pull all of his toys one by one out of the box, use his computer keyboard, go into any room you open the door to, play with the phone cord and bang the metal dog bowls on the tile floor in the kitchen. He is also enjoying his little walking toy and pushes that until he gets stuck. And he loves to rough house as my Mom puts it (being tickled, turned upside down, trying to go headfirst off the couc, etc.).
He is able to take a step at a time and then sit down, I keep thinking it isn’t long until he will put a few together, he seems so close. He’s a bit of a stinker about eating, he seems to only want to eat what he can feed himself and he refuses to use the lid to sippy cups, he just wants a plain cup. He has four teeth, but I think more are very soon to follow. He  has gotten tall enough to reach things off the kitchen table and the tv stand, so we are running out of safe places to put things!




  1. Mom Reply

    Happy birthday to Brenden….the pictures are great!
    Did Patrick take them ?????
    What a happy boy and so handsome!

  2. 07/03/03

    Ouch! If the pictures are good Patrick must have taken them huh? I took them all actually! In fact, even though Patrick used to be the picture taker of the two of us, almost all the ones on here of Brenden have been taken by me. 🙂

  3. 07/03/03

    Those are TOO cute! I love the Beatles t-shirt…definitely all momma in these pics!

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